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NVC Mediation

with Steve Pollack

See Our Rates & Services page
 Steve Pollack is a seasoned Miami mediator and compassionate communication expert. His distinctive approach as a consultant can help you to co-create greater ease, flow and connection in your relationship within yourself and with others.  Culturally competent with the LGBTQIA community, he works with individuals, couples and groups who want support of their compassionate communication skills.

Address Recurring Conflicts

Do you get angry or frustrated when you just can't seem to express yourself fully and clearly? Do you get stuck in the mire of guilt or shame? Do you enter into the same old arguments in your own mind, or with a family member, spouse or significant other? Do you find the more you try to get points across, the more you receive harsh criticism, blame and judgment?

Mediation-Miami may be a fitting option for you.  It's an affordable, reasonable way to co-create mutual respect with your friend, coworker, relative, neighbor, husband, wife or partner. Consult with an expert to help you reach a resolution without wasting a lot of time and energy.

Call for free initial 15-minute consultation, no obligation. (Outside US, dial "+1" 305-947-9115) 

To book an appointment, scroll to bottom of the Contact page, click on blue appointment button.

You may feel exhausted from all the same old tired arguments. Yet with assistance you can build authentic cooperation through effective communication. Steve Pollack works exclusively with clients who wish to co-create more productive discussions.  Instead of calling costly attorneys, you can create collaborative discussions that work.  If you choose to divorce at some point, skilled mediation prepares the ground for the most amicable, peaceful divorce possible.

Mediation in Miami

Steve Pollack's goal as your independent mediation consultant is to help you find clarity within your own mind and heart, and then resolve your relationship challenges more quickly. Miami Mediation services provide a powerful catalyst for conflict transformation. Take your communication skills to the next level, with expert, culturally competent support. It's ideal for those seeking to mend a problematic relationship. It's an alternative approach if you're seeking a holistic, collaborative divorce, or a conscious uncoupling.  Deep, heartfelt communication is key when you want to achieve separation or divorce with dignity and respect.

Are You A Candidate for NVC Mediation?

Based in the process of nonviolent communication, Steve's communication coaching gives you unwavering support. If you're open, ready and willing, you'll learn how to apply the NVC mediation techniques within yourself, with significant others, and family members.  NVC, or nonviolent communication, cuts through all the painful judging and criticizing.  Followed carefully, it can create powerful breakthroughs.


"Communicating honestly and easily..."

"Steve... many thanks for helping us get on the right track... it feels so good to be communicating honestly and easily without the judgments. I can't imagine how those things could have been expressed without your mediation sessions. But also what I want to say is it was so great how we were able to express years worth of built-up family issues, and even some that spanned generations...and we now talk about this way of communicating and are working it into practice, so thank you so much for being available to help us with this!"
— Ashley M, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Is Amicable Divorce an Option?

Steve is a skilled practitioner of compassionate communication coaching.  You can get help with Miami mediation in person, by phone, or via Zoom.  This is an opportunity to lay the groundwork for conflict resolution.  If your aim is to separate or divorce, this is a pathway to a more equitable divorce agreement. Get help asking for what you want in respectful ways that are more likely to inspire compassion and cooperation.

Raise the Emotional Intelligence

Consider working with a communication consultant using Nonviolent Communication techniques. These proven techniques help to optimize emotional intelligence and IQ levels. Higher emotional IQ increases the clarity of your communication.  You'll acquire valuable insights that reduce some of the confusion and stress of the uncoupling, separation or divorce process.


"First time I truly empathized with someone"

"Steve...I loved your Mediation-Miami session! It was the first time ever I felt like I was finally heard and understood. It was the first time ever that I truly empathized with someone and really knew where they are coming from. It was the first time ever that it wasn't 'just me' ... it was both of us that were truly listening to each other and communicating the real feelings and needs that reside within us...thanks to your expert coaching and mediation!"
— Timothy, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Call for free initial 15-minute consultation, no obligation. (Outside US, dial "+1" 305-947-9115)

To book an appointment, click the blue button below the Contact form, at bottom of About Steve page or Rates & Services.

Explore Mediation Today

Choose convenient telephone consultations, Zoom sessions, or in-person meetings.  Find times that fit your schedule, at reasonable hourly rates. 

Fees for Services
15-minute initial consultation--Free
1/2 hour $45
1 hour $75
2 hours $125 (for a continuous, uninterrupted session)

Email info@mediation-usa.net 
We're located at 1350 NE 191st Street, Apt #206, Miami, FL 33179


"He likes to help others achieve"

"As I read through all that Steve has written ... I think of how I see him as the facilitator of our regular NVC meetings. I see a man who represents what I believe he would like to help others achieve in their own lives. Among other qualities, he is relaxed, comfortable, knowledgeable, skilled, focused, helpful and "in the moment," regardless of what else he may have going on in his life. Communication is key."
-- Arlene Rothenberg, Ft Lauderdale, Florida

Radio Interview

Catch Rev. Lori Cardona's interview with Steve at the 8-minute mark of her 15-minute blogtalk radio show here:

© Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved. Steve Pollack. Wisdom Communication | Privacy Policy

 24/7 Crisis Hotline for Relationships

The Emergency Room for Your Relationship

* When your relationship is at risk of breaking up
* When your partner plans to move out or leave permanently
* When you're being asked for a separation or divorce

Steve Pollack offers a positively transformative concierge service for those who want the highest level of access to his support during times of crisis. Imagine opening up a whole new line of communication with your partner. No more harsh criticisms or judgments of your character. No more angry outbursts or attacks. Instead you'll connect, through Steve, more effectively and clearly than ever before. What a relief to not have to hear accusations and demands. Every message will go through your nonviolent communication translator and mediator.

You've invested a lot of time, passion, energy and care into your relationship. Can you put a monetary price on the value of preserving a love relationship? What would you invest to give your marriage another chance? Imagine the emotional benefits, if you have children, for them to see their parents working through conflict in a more peaceful, caring way.

This unique service isn't available anywhere else. It's called the Love Translator Package and includes:

1) Same-day supportive responses to your texted questions and issues to be translated into nonviolent language you can share with your partner
2) Same-day responses to your email messages for longer, more detailed responses and options
3) Up to 30 minutes per day of live meeting time with Steve Pollack via Zoom, phone, or other platform from 11am to 11pm Eastern Time (USA).

This concierge service is provided only in English language. It translates the violent language of criticism, judgment and insult into a nonviolent language that speaks to human feelings and needs. This service is LGBTQ-informed and culturally competent, yet it's effective across all cultures. It's based in a unique approach to couples communication therapy pioneered by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg. The Love Translator Package provides you with dramatic results in a relatively short period of time.

Call for free initial 15-minute consultation with no obligation. (Outside US, dial "+1" 305-947-9115)

To book an appointment, scroll down to bottom, below the Contact form.

Compassion and Commitment

It's no secret that a commitment to compassionate communication is essential. Steve Pollack can help you to increase the healing and connecting power of your interpersonal relationships. The simple process of ARC (Authentic Relationship Communication) takes you to a new level of awareness. It often brings clarity and resolution when traditional counseling doesn't.

You may have tried various kinds of therapy and counseling.  Steve Pollack is not a psychologist or psychotherapist--he's a communication specialist with over two decades of experience. He adapts and customizes this profoundly healing and connecting process to suit each unique individual or couple. He'll support you individually and your partner in achieving personal and relationship growth. He helps you focus on the goals of self-knowledge, wisdom and understanding.


"He helps to clear the way for more enlightened solutions."

"I'm a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with many years of experience. I recommend Steve wholeheartedly if you're dealing with communication blockages or emotional challenges. He's my go-to person for healing empathy. He has a gift for translating painful situations into a pure language of compassion, without judgments. That's what really helps to clear the way for more enlightened solutions. We've gotten insights into understanding precisely what everyone's unmet needs are."
— Monica Joseph, LMHC, Deland, FL

A Heart-Centered Alternative

Sometimes described as alternative marriage counseling, Authentic Relationship Communication has its roots in the humanistic psychology of Carl Rogers.  Rogers was best known for his profoundly empathetic way of counseling.  Empathy brings healing in its wake, and ARC takes this to the next level.  Authentic Relationship Communication places strong emphasis on providing more than one layer of empathy. Only then, when both parties have had their needs for empathy met deeply and completely, does it move on to strategic, creative brainstorming. That's when we can work together to find practical solutions. 

Occasionally issues arise in one's internal relationship with the self.  You may be stricken with feelings of self-doubt and confusion, hurt and resentment.  You may feel inextricably stuck or frustrated. ARC and NVC can help to sort out these issues and bring you to clarity within yourself so you can take steps forward.

Sometimes serious issues appear in your relationship with others. Likewise, you can turn to the wisdom practices of NVC and ARC time and again for this specialized service of communication coaching.

Access Your Inner Wisdom

Steve Pollack supports you in finding the most compassionate and effective ways to express your deepest feelings, longings and needs.  First, you'll focus within yourself, and then focus on your relationship. He functions as a communication coach, expertly guiding and supporting you to find your own inner wisdom individually and as a couple.

You and your partner may already know the breakthrough power of couples communication coaching. Or you may want to experience it for the first time. To reach out, send a brief email request to Steve Pollack at info@mediation-usa.net

Make a commitment to your personal growth. Make that essential investment in the well-being of your internal and external relationship as you give communication coaching a chance. Enjoy it from the comfort and convenience of your home when you connect by phone or Zoom.

Call for free initial 15-minute consultation with no obligation. (Outside US, dial "+1" 305-947-9115)

To book an appointment, scroll down to bottom of the Contact form, or to bottom of About Steve, or Rates & Services

Fees for Services:
15-minute initial consultation -- Free
1/2 hour $45
1 hour $75
2 hours $125 for continuous 2-hour sessions only

© Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved. Steve Pollack. Wisdom Communication | Privacy Policy

Learn to Hear

from the


A quote from Steve:
"One of the greatest challenges in effective communication is finding the heart of compassion. It's always there though sometimes hidden under layers. I can help you to uncover it and speak from the heart. Just as important is relearning how to hear from that same place--deep in the heart."
See Our Prices & Services
       Dr. Marshall Rosenberg (left) engaging in            role play with Steve Pollack, Oct. 2005
We tried to talk it over, but the words got in the way...
-"This Masquerade" by LeonRussell

Click to Call Us, or scroll below Contact Form to Book an Appointment


Steve Pollack employs great sensitivity and sharp perception in analyzing and resolving interpersonal conflicts. The results can be extraordinary. I recommend him to anyone and everyone."
— Roy P. Bower, Rocky Mount, NC
"I have worked with Steve Pollack for a number of years. I continue to be enriched, cherished and assisted in my personal growth by practicing Nonviolent Communication counseling under his leadership. Steve is an empathic and caring facilitator who creates and maintains a safe container for rigorous and honest practice. To anyone interested in learning NVC, confronting personal crisis, or facilitating personal growth, I recommend him to you most highly."
— Stephanie King, N Miami, FL
FL Teacher of the Year 2000
"Steve was able to facilitate communication between myself and my mother and make an incredible amount of progress in two hours. He was able to understand how each of us was feeling, and then translate for the other and cut through issues and communication problems that have been going on for decades. We could not be more grateful."
— S.A., New York, NY
"I see NVC as a pure language of love. Reading Marshall Rosenberg's book was a wonderful eye opener. It showed me how I'd learned from my culture to perceive and speak in non-compassionate ways. Practicing the language of compassion was challenging. With help from the NVC Nonviolent Communication practice group, I began to make significant changes in my everyday communication. The greatest gift comes from the quality of my relationships resulting especially from Steve's help and understanding. He is compassionate and truly models NVC clearly and effectively. I feel grateful for his inspired coaching, and to the Miami practice group for all their support. I feel very hopeful when I witness the highly developed skills of people who've been practicing NVC longer than I."
— Dr. Robert E. Walsh
Walsh Wellness Center
Fort Lauderdale, FL
"I met Steve many years ago when I was looking for a yoga class, I had no idea that this class would change my life. Steve introduced me to meditation and spiritual philosophies that are now an integral part of my life. I have become more focused, more calm and truly happy from the inside out. He also provided me with notes from his NVC talks that I have referred back to when listening to someone who needs compassion. I have been told that I have become very compassionate! Steve is not only inspirational, but has a warm, inviting presence and a great sense of humor as well."
— Kathy Rotundo
Miami Shores, Florida

"Steve: I had the chance last night to practice the skills we discussed yesterday regarding talking and listening to my son when he's upset. I put to use the idea of acknowledging more deeply his perceptions. It worked! I had something useful to say to him and he seemed to appreciate it. For this I am thankful. For this I am pleased that we talked and that you shared your knowledge and kind demeanor with me."

— Stefanie Tatalias, Anchorage, AK

NVC Support Groups

NVC (Nonviolent Communication)
in Miami and Ft Lauderdale

In South Florida, it's rare to find Miami support groups dedicated to the actual learning and practice of NVC nonviolent communication skills. Steve Pollack offers support group facilitation services in the Miami and Fort Lauderdale area. He's available to come to your group and provide facilitation and instruction. See the "Our Services" page for rates.

A support group meeting may include review and discussion of a specific chapter in one of Marshall Rosenberg's books. It might also include creative role plays. Role plays illustrate problem-solving possibilities in a dramatic or amusing way. 

Structure of the Group

Organize and schedule your group to meet your needs. Make it a casual, drop-in Communication Support Group if you want it to be open. Or plan it as a pre-paid 6-week or 8-week series of gatherings if you'd like to go deeper into the subject matter with a group of committed people.

Steve Pollack facilitated an ongoing group for several years based on the seminal book by Dr. Rosenberg, "Nonviolent Communication: A Language for Life." People at all levels of NVC practice enjoyed attending the communication support groups. Their purpose was to explore the process of nonjudgmental communication in real-life situations.  Steve has a rare capacity to be gentle and patient with beginners, yet he fully supports those with more advanced skills. Everyone found a challenge to stretch to greater levels of self-awareness and nonviolent expression.

© Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved. Steve Pollack. Wisdom Communication | Privacy Policy
"Steve has an amazingly thorough understanding of non-violent communication. He is able to readily respond to individuals' personal situations and to help them understand the importance of NVC Nonviolent Communication strategies. Our group found Steve's work quite helpful on the path to a joy-filled life."
—Paula Lalinde, PhD,  Miami, FL     CEO Nothing Trumps Hope  
Director, Joyful Living Program


An NVC Nonviolent Communication support group focuses on giving the gifts of empathy and understanding to anyone present who's in need. The entire group practices the meditative stillness of mind and focused openness of heart. These are the hallmarks of compassionate communication. This is done without judgment, evaluation, diagnosis, criticism or blame. "Appreciative Inquiry" questions might be asked to help someone get clarity.

Specialized Suicide Loss Support

Have You Lost Someone to Suicide?

Have you had a family member, friend or other loved one die by suicide? The only thing worse than this kind of tragic loss is thinking that you're alone in the suffering, that you're the only person who's going through it.  With suicide statistics on the rise--especially in the BIPOC and LGBTQIA communities--you are definitely not alone.

Steve truly understands the depth of your grief and the uniqueness of your loss as someone who has been through it himself. He creates a caring, healing, supportive connection with you as only someone who has experienced a suicide loss can. 

To book a private session on Google Calendar, scroll to bottom of page. Click on the "Book an Appointment" button under the Contact form.

Free Live Meditation Sessions via Zoom Sundays at 2PM (ET)

You're invited to a weekly 60-minute relaxation class, called the Mind-Whisperer Meditation.  This approach to deep meditation practice helps to create a calmer, more focused foundation for any kind of communication.  As a guided meditation experience, it includes slow-motion, deep yogic breathing and some creative visualization. Ultimately, the inner journey leaves you with a fully relaxed body and a profoundly calm mind. You'll feel buoyant and peaceful.

One couple shared: "Steve's meditations take us to a place we wish we didn't have to return from." There's no charge for this service. You can request to be added to the email or WhatsApp invitation list by sending an email to info@mediation-usa.net. Or, on any Sunday at 2 PM

Eastern Time (USA), feel free to find a very quiet room and:

Join the Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 614 695 7385

1350 NE 191st Street, Apt 206, Miami, FL 33179   Tel. +1 (305) 947-9115

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